Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Is Finally Here!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hi everyone, it's been about a week since I posted last so I figured I better get my butt in here and write something. I have recently taken a part time job out in the "real world" which is my excuse for not writing as much as I should be :)

It's great to get out and be more active, espicially with the nice warm weather we've been having. Though at this point, it's only a few days a week. I am also entertaining the idea of looking into school again... Not too sure what direction I would like to head in quite yet but that will be determined with a bit of research I suppose.

Other than that, not much is new in the land of Bettie, unfortunately there have been no funny mishaps or wacky adventures for me to tell you about. Which really, is a bit dull as there's usually something going on around here! Boooooring lol ... ah well, maybe I should count my blessings that life is "normal" for a change and just go with the flow of things!

I'll catch up with you all later on this week ;)




I have had the pleasure of doing a review of "Bettie Blogger" and I'm more than happy to inform you that your blog has been added to Blogging Women.

I want to commend you for the fine job you are putting forward with this blog and I'm very honored to add you to our women's blog directory.

Please continue your outstanding work and watch for the monthly blog contest where you can win a spot to have your blog listed in the Featured Blogs section!


heya Fay, thank you so much for the ad! I hopped over to blogging women to thank you there but could not find a comment section.

I look forward to being a part of your community :)




I look forward to reading your funny posts. I am also a newbie to blogging women. I hope you get some good traffic from it too. I thought you might want to read a recent post of mine. It's funny...

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