Thursday, April 16, 2009

Calling All Bloggers ...

Thursday, April 16, 2009
I just wanted to talk about my latest venture and this is .. becoming a blogger. I have written in the past, whether it be journal entries, stories or poetry and rather enjoyed the time I put into it .. However, most of it was for my eyes only ... As of late I have felt the need to express myself to the world a bit more. Not the world around me but the internet community... This is not to say I am an anti-social person online, not by any means .. In fact, look at me now .. I've gone public ;)

So here I am.... at the gates of the blogger kingdom .. a magical place where people write to entertain, educate and amuse thousands of "screen people"... In my few weeks as a blogger I have rather enjoyed myself ... I've joined some fantastic communities and exchanged idea's with my fellow bloggers, learned some more html ... what a pain that is, but hey, it sure helps at times!

The feedback I have gotten as of late has been a major influence for me as well.... I appreciate the comments my reader's have taken the time to post. Whether it be a simple hello or advice from someone looking in from another angle.. Keep em coming, I find it inspiring! :<) My purpose for this post is twofold. I would like to say, that I am really glad I decided to give this a whirl and also ... I would like to thank my readers and fellow bloggers for supporting this new girl in her venture to be an online writer...



Ralph Ivy

And I thank you. You encourage me to keep going. I get frustrated. I want more viewers and visitors and comments to my blog. My ego is large (therefore easily bruised - grin) but need fuels me on. And humor eases the bumps. And positive persons like you keep me reaching out. I learn.


Great to know that, welcome to the blogger kingdom!


thank you Hesham :<) And thanks for stopping by my little space on the w.w.w!

Ralph, what a nice thing to say, I think you've made my day... hmmm, a lil poetry there for you lol ..

I'd be happy to visit your blog and show some support, leave me a url next time you stop in!


Once A Fortnight

Doing a fine job - from one newbie to another - keep up the great writing. Practice makes perfect!

Ralph Ivy

Yes, the Blogger Kingdom is quite a kingdom to explore. Makes me want to re-read Alice's brave forays into Wonderland. Or re-watch Dorothy's gutsy tapping into the Land of Oz. (And not just going - but singing and dancing - as she trips forward, even encouraging ol' scarecrow, the lion, and the tin-man to have heart as well!) Even this ol' coot is starting to whistle and snap my fingers once in a while.


Well thank you Once, it's great to get some encouragment from those that are doing it right along with me!

take care :)



hehe Ralph, glad to hear your "gettin into your groove". Inspiration, no matter it's source, is a great thing isn't it?


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