Friday, April 24, 2009

Is this thing on ???

Friday, April 24, 2009
Hi everyone, I've been quite busy the last few days so I apologize to those of you that stopped by and found nothing new to read.. my bad! I've been working on a few new projects online and just got tied up with learning all the in's and out's. First off, I found myself at the doors of Squidoo .. they offer free, single page websites called Lenses. I spent some time getting to know the site and decided that making a lens or two would really help me network... You can file this under tips & tuts for the new blogger ;)

On top of that, I started my own shop @ CafePress called ExpressionX. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.. It won't be for everyone as it has a darker theme .. comically speaking that is, but I had alot of fun setting it up. Of course, there is only one page of products right now, but over the next week, I will be working on some original art/graphics that will get incorporated into my designs.... I'm kind of excited! doo doo dee dooo...

Before I forget, if you want to check out the lenses or my shop, you can find links to both in the left column. And as always, comments & suggestions are always welcome!

As for life in general, not much is new really .. Mother Nature decided that since it was nice and warm out, it was about time to throw one more snow storm at us ... Let's hope that pesky Yeti doesn't come back to visit me ... Well, it's 2:10 am and I am definetly ready for bed! So until next time ....

Take care and I will see you soon ;)



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