Friday, April 10, 2009

Bettie’s a busy bee ..

Friday, April 10, 2009
It’s been about a week since I posted last … life has just been busy and hectic lately. I think I’ve attended more appointments in the past week than I have all year. When “they” say Spring brings new beginnings “they” aren’t kidding!

I started my spring cleaning earlier this week and it was an eye opener… who knew I was such a packrat! I easily tossed out 2-3 garbage bags of material crap. Old papers, articles, comics, pizza flyers lol .. you name it, I had it in my possession. Of course you’d never notice any of this stuff strewn about my house … It was all tightly packed away, this must have meant I was a packrat in denial? Oh the shame …

On a good note though, I did manage to donate another 2 bags worth of clothing to those in need as well as 3-4 medium bags of kids clothes, toys & stuffed animals… Maybe Karma will look graciously upon me for the next little while!

I have also found myself diving into some charity work as of late. I am doing my little part to help raise awareness for Muscular Dystrophy. Particularly, those affected by MTM/CNM. It is a cause I am personally affected by in a few ways and thought what better thing to do with some of my time!

I’ll be sure to post some info/links in case any of my readers are curious about these conditions and ways to help out. I am not looking for donations from you the reader .. just trying to help educate people about this condition as it is so rare…



Ok Bettie you can come help seem like you have it all figured out lol...Ive been trying to spring clean all spring... I have 3 bags to go out for others and several in the trash... but this stuff seems to be growing like the spring WEEDS!....I look around and its still such a clutter lol...I know I took bags of stuff out...but what was it??? there isnt a place thats empty..something else has grown there in its place...Maybe use the tiller in here? Rofl

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